How to create a Business Canvas?

Creating a Business Model Canvas is a straightforward process that helps you visually map out the key components of your business model. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create one:

Step 1: Understand the Canvas Components

The Business Model Canvas consists of nine building blocks:

1. Customer Segments: Who are your target customers? Identify different groups of people or organizations your business aims to serve.

2. Value Propositions: What unique value do you offer? Define what makes your product or service attractive to your customers.

3. Channels: How do you deliver your value proposition? Outline the various ways you reach your customers (e.g., online, retail, direct sales).

4. Customer Relationships: What type of relationship do you establish with each customer segment? Consider whether it’s personal assistance, self-service, automated service, etc.

5. Revenue Streams: How do you earn money? Identify the sources of revenue (e.g., sales, subscriptions, licensing).

6. Key Resources: What critical assets do you need? List the key resources required to deliver your value proposition (e.g., physical, intellectual, human, financial).

7. Key Activities: What essential activities must you perform? Identify the most important actions your business must take to operate successfully.

8. Key Partnerships: Who are your partners and suppliers? Consider the external organizations you work with to deliver your value.

9. Cost Structure: What are the major costs involved? List the significant expenses incurred to operate your business model.

Step 2: Gather Information

Before filling in the canvas, gather relevant information through market research, competitor analysis, and discussions with potential customers.

Step 3: Fill in the Canvas

Use a large sheet of paper or a digital tool (like Miro, Canva, or dedicated Business Model Canvas software) to sketch your canvas. 

1. Start with Customer Segments: Identify who you are targeting.

2. Define Value Propositions: Articulate what makes your offering special.

3. Map out Channels: Outline how you will communicate and deliver to customers.

4. Customer Relationships: Specify how you will engage with your customers.

5. Revenue Streams: Identify how money will flow in.

6. List Key Resources: Include what resources are necessary.

7. Key Activities: Determine what activities are crucial to your success.

8. Key Partnerships: Identify necessary collaborations.

9. Cost Structure: Outline expected costs.

Step 4: Review and Revise

Once you have filled in the canvas, review it as a whole. Look for inconsistencies or areas that need further clarification. Discuss it with team members or advisors to get feedback.

Step 5: Test and Iterate

Implement your business model and gather data on what works and what doesn’t. Be prepared to adjust and refine your canvas based on real-world feedback and experiences.

Step 6: Keep it Updated

As your business evolves, keep your Business Model Canvas updated to reflect changes in your strategy, market conditions, or customer feedback.


The Business Model Canvas is a dynamic tool that helps you visualize and communicate your business idea effectively. By following these steps, you can create a comprehensive overview that guides your strategic planning and decision-making.